Types of SQL Statements

In previous post we explain some How to add captcha to web form in asp.net How to Add splash in window form and most popular post How to make an .exe file of window based project with full of screenshot  and a related post Introduction to SQL that is one post in this topic

In this post we will explain the Different types of SQL statement. On the basis of  operation perfomed by statement, these can be divided into differ types as given below:-

  1) DDL(Data Definition Language) -Stands for "Data Definition Language." A DDL is a language used to define data structures within a database. It is typically considered to be a subset of SQL, the Structured Query Language, but can also refer to languages that define other types of data.

A Data Definition Language has a pre-defined syntax for describing data. For example, to build a new table using SQL syntax, the CREATE command is used, followed by parameters for the table name and column definitions. The DDL can also define the name of each column and the associated data type. Once a table is created, it can be modified using the ALTER command. If the table is no longer needed, the DROP command will delete the table.

  2) DML– Stand for "Data Manipulation language". A DML language is used to perform some operation in the database like

  • INSERT - insert data into a table
  • UPDATE - updates existing data within a table
  • DELETE - deletes  records from a table, the space for the records remain

  3) DRL– Stand for "Data Retrieval Language" and used to reterive the data from the database to manipulate or show it on the front end application. The stament that is come under this category is "select statement".

  4) TCL- Stand for "Transaction Control Language" that are used to manage the changes made by DML statements. It allows statements to be grouped together into logical transactions. Statement that come under in this category are listed below:-

  • COMMIT - save work done
  • SAVEPOINT - identify a point in a transaction to which you can later roll back
  • ROLLBACK - restore database to original since the last COMMIT
  • SET TRANSACTION - Change transaction options like isolation level and what rollback segment to use

  5) DCL –  Stand for "Data Control Language".Data Control Language is used for the control 

of data. That is a user can access any data based on the priveleges given to him. This is done 

through DCL.These are given below:-

  • GRANT - used to give permission to any person so that one can access that data.
  • REVOKE - used to deny to any person so that one can access that data.

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    Introduction To SQL Server

    In previous post we explain some How to add captcha to web form in asp.net , How to Add splash in window form and most popular post How to make an .exe file of window based project with full of screenshot that relief from confusion
     In this tutorial we will explain some term about SQL.
    First of all , what is sql ?

    What is SQL ?

    Sql stand for structured query language used to access the data and manipulate operation on data like insertion,deletion, updation and retrieve the data from the database. It is usually used as a backend for different application to store data of application that is used by front end. 

    Note-SQL is an ANSI Standard.(Ansi stand for American National Standards Institute)

    What we can do With SQL?

    There are many operation that we can perform with  SQL on the user data. Some of them are given below:-

    • SQL can execute queries against a database
    • SQL can retrieve data from a database
    • SQL can insert records in a database
    • SQL can update records in a database
    • SQL can delete records from a database
    • SQL can create new databases
    • SQL can create new tables in a database
    • SQL can create stored procedures in a database
    • SQL can create views in a database
    • SQL can set permissions on tables, procedures, and views

    Using SQL in Your Web Site

    To build a web site that shows some data from a database and take data from front user , we will need the following:-
    • An RDBMS database program (i.e. MS Access, SQL Server, MySQL)
    • A server-side scripting language, like PHP or ASP
    • SQL
    • HTML / CSS
    Version :- 

    There are some SQL Server that are mostly used
    • SQL Server 2000
    • SQL Server 2005
    • SQL Server 2008
    • SQL Server 2010
    • SQL Server 2012

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